Tony Thielen

Born in 1973, Tony is a 14th generation New Mexican who's upbringing was anything but static. As a child of military parents, and later his own military service, Tony lived a nomadic lifestyle. His experiences abroad, meeting different people and cultures, have been a big influence on who he is today.

Before becoming a full-time artist, Tony spent twenty years as an award-winning graphic designer. Educationally speaking, Tony studied at the Art Institute of Seattle, San Francisco Academy of Art and the Watts' Atelier. Not to mention learning directly from other artists and their workshops.

Much of Tony’s art is a blend of representation, abstraction, and self-expression, striving to find a balance between the three. Tony’s approach is refreshingly individualistic. He emphasizes the importance of not being afraid to fail, embracing learning opportunities, and constantly pushing creative boundaries.

Residing in Santa Fe, NM with his wife Carrie and their beloved pets, Tony’s art is deeply interwoven with his daily life, each piece a testament to his journey and a window into his soul. His work is not just a reflection of his diverse life experiences; it offers a refreshingly new perspective on the natural world viewed through the prism of contemporary art.
