A Thousand Words: Collage, Design & Drawing Workshop (Aug 5-6)

  • Instructor: Len Davis

  • Duration of Class: Two Days (12 Hours)

  • Medium: Mixed Media

  • Skill Level: All

You will explore the interplay between the figurative & literal term consisting of 5 collages per day. They will incorporate drawings of people’s faces, animals or objects of your choosing, executed on text-filled newsprint pages. When looking at a person’s facial expression, you can tell how they’re feeling at that moment; whereas text, words, verbiage and recognizable text/identity marks explain it for you. Either way, we are provided a mental picture from both, which illustrates the fact that a picture IS worth “A Thousand Words”!

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  • Instructor: Len Davis

  • Duration of Class: Two Days (12 Hours)

  • Medium: Mixed Media

  • Skill Level: All

You will explore the interplay between the figurative & literal term consisting of 5 collages per day. They will incorporate drawings of people’s faces, animals or objects of your choosing, executed on text-filled newsprint pages. When looking at a person’s facial expression, you can tell how they’re feeling at that moment; whereas text, words, verbiage and recognizable text/identity marks explain it for you. Either way, we are provided a mental picture from both, which illustrates the fact that a picture IS worth “A Thousand Words”!

  • Instructor: Len Davis

  • Duration of Class: Two Days (12 Hours)

  • Medium: Mixed Media

  • Skill Level: All

You will explore the interplay between the figurative & literal term consisting of 5 collages per day. They will incorporate drawings of people’s faces, animals or objects of your choosing, executed on text-filled newsprint pages. When looking at a person’s facial expression, you can tell how they’re feeling at that moment; whereas text, words, verbiage and recognizable text/identity marks explain it for you. Either way, we are provided a mental picture from both, which illustrates the fact that a picture IS worth “A Thousand Words”!


  • Acknowledging the basic drawing concepts such as light source, shading, and tone & how these elements add depth to your work

  • Understanding which elements work via layout of eye-flow-movement and figure-grounding, of design, to fulfill your vision

  • Learn to create something aesthetically pleasing through several layout attempts

  • To take what you’ve learned and incorporate those techniques into future projects utilizing them in various ways

Student Supply List 

  • Paint Brush - 1/2" in width

  • Blow Dryer

  • Pencils (9H, HB, 2B & 5B)

  • Narrow Eraser

  • Metal Pencil Sharpening

  • 10 Q-tips

  • Newsprint paper (preferably w/ text on it. ex. love story/romance novels)

  • Small tube of White Gouache or Small bottle of White Gesso

  • 25 pieces of 8" x 5" plywood, Masonite or sturdy cardboard for backing

  • Glu-Stik, in addition to, KRYLON® Spray adhesive (1 can) or Elmer’s® Glue Either will work

  • Torn paper - magazines etc... (for collage usage)

  • Wood stir sticks or pop sickle sticks

  • 1 Sponge

  • Plastic see-through cups to pour, measure & mix the epoxy in

  • GOLDEN® “Regular Gel Medium Gloss” - 3020 (Series: C) https://goldenartistcolors.com/products/regular-gel

  • Epoxy or POLYCRYLIC: It comes in a set of two 8oz. bottles. One, A Compound (Epoxy Resin) & Two, B Compound (Epoxy Hardener)

  • Stove/BBQ Grill Lighter or Cigarette Lighter

  • Miniature Butane Torch

Class Size: 

  • Min # of students: 10

  • Max # of students: 20

Len Davis


Len Davis

Inadvertent Utopias: Assemblage (Aug 7-9)